June 28, 2012

House Sitting


You won't believe the night I had.

Ok, let's start from the beginning.

My mum works in a small office, and there are twins there (insignificant detail, but whatever), so one of the twins is getting married this week, so he and his wife-to-be are going away to get married, so, at work, he was talking about having a house sitter while he was gone and my mum piped up and said that I was available to do it because I have a car and I'm not a party animal and I can take care of the animals they have, so the accepted me. That's the beginning.

So since then, I've been to their house twice and met the pets and they were nice, there's one dog, two cats and two fish.

Yesterday, they left for their time away and the house was empty, so I arrived and the cleaning lady was here so that was alright. The cleaning lady left and the dog turned on me. Now the dog has sits at the front door waiting for it's people to come home and it only sees me as a threat in it's home, so every time I walk near it, it growls at me. There's nothing wrong with this dog, and I completely understand it's behaviour, it's just incredibly scary and I don't want to get bitten.

Ok, so last night I had to make dinner, so I decided to make chicken and bacon fettuccine, YUM! I decided I'll have to go out to buy some chicken and bacon but mum and dad rang saying they'll come over and see me, so I asked them if they could bring me some chicken and bacon, and they did! Which was cool, but then they didn't stay for dinner. So once they left, I tried to make dinner, and usually I'm good at following a recipe, but being in someone elses house really threw me off, so I ruined my dinner haha. I opened the chicken mum gave me and defrosted it and went to cut it up, but as I was pulling it apart, I noticed a significant amount of chicken skin. In fact, all of it was skin. No chicken, just chicken skins! So instead, I just used excess bacon. Then I cut up an onion and some mushrooms and put them in a pan, and then I threw in some coconut milk. Way too early apparantly. Also, I was using a different stove than I'm used to so I couldn't tell what temperature the elements were on haha. So then the bacon, mushrooms and onion didn't cook enough because they were now drowned in coconut milk. But I tasted it and it was alright, so I took it off the element and let that sit. Then I went to cook the pasta and because I had no idea about the temperatures of the elements, the water took forever to boil. When it did, I put in too much pasta, so I had to reboil some water in a different pot, and tip the pasta and existing water into the new pot. Then it didn't cook well, parts of it were stuck together really bad. Then I drained the mostly cooked pasta, but didn't strain it long enough so it was watery. Then I stupidly combined it with the bacon mix I had just made.....too much pasta. Then I ate what I could and there was so much left overs. So I put it in some containers and let it cool down, then I went to bed. Woke up this morning, left the pasta out over night, and the cats probably helped themselves, and it had milk in it, so I had to throw it ALL out. God dammit. Haha.

And to top it all off, there was no more toilet paper left in the entire house that I could find haha.
But I fixed it, I ate breakfast properly, fed the animals, went to the gym, got some TOILET PAPER and then came back. Haha. All is well in the world of Anne-Maree once again.

And for dinner tonight, Stef is coming over and I am CERTAINLY not cooking tonight after last nights fiasco, so I'm getting Chinese :D

Mum told me I should put all of that on my blog because she rang me this morning and I told her what happened and she thought it was hilarious. It kind of was haha


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